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List Your Retreat

We understand the challenges and frustrations that can come with offering great retreats. It's no easy task, but we're here to let you know that you're not alone. In fact, we're right there with you every step of the way.

We believe in the power of communication, which is why we make it a priority to have constant conversations with you. But it's not just about talking - it's about truly listening. We want to understand your needs, your struggles, and your goals.


Perhaps you've experienced the overwhelming feeling of valuable inquiries slipping through the cracks. Or maybe you've had an unfortunate encounter with customer service representatives who just don't grasp the essence of your services and the challenges you face.

And let's not forget those low seasons that bring a wave of despair, leaving your bookings in a slump. It can be disheartening, to say the least.


But wait, there's more. We know that time is a precious commodity, and expanding your retreat offerings and programs can feel like an impossible feat. And don't even get us started on the complexities of bank transfers and payments. It's enough to make your head spin.

You might find yourself overwhelmed by all the details that go into offering retreats. It's like solving a never-ending puzzle, and it can be exhausting.


And here's the kicker - not having control over your own listing information can be downright frustrating. After all, who knows your retreats better than you?


But fear not, because we're here to lighten your load. We want to take some of that stress off your shoulders so that you can focus on what truly matters: spreading human wellbeing.


So let us be your trusted partner in this journey. Together, we can overcome the hurdles, find solutions, and create a smoother path for your retreats. Because at the end of the day, your mission of helping others find peace and happiness is what drives us forward.

Please fill the retreat details below

Event Type

Retreat Categories

Yoga Retreat
Wellness Retreats
Meditation Retreats
Other Retreats

Retreat Details

What’s included in this package:
What's not included in this package

Price & Dates

How often do you run this retreat?

London Office:

Office 4 219 Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, UK, W8 6BD


Dubai Office:

Al Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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CMTP Provided by the Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) Program

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Payments accepted on include American Express, Diner's Club International, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron and PayPal.

Flight-inclusive Packages created on are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. ATOL protection does not apply to all travel services listed on this website but you may still be financially protected when booking certain travel services listed on this website that are outside the scope of the ATOL scheme. Please ask us to confirm what financial protection may apply to your booking. This website and our general terms and conditions will provide you with information on the protection that applies in the case of each travel service offered before you make your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL protected.

For Packages that do not include a flight or Linked Travel Arrangements created on, all monies paid over in the case of non flight-inclusive Packages, or any monies paid directly to us in the case of Linked Travel Arrangements, are fully protected by insurance in the event of our insolvency. This insurance protection has been arranged by International Passenger Protection Limited and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE. Please see our general terms and conditions for more information about financial protection, or for more information on the ATOL Certificate go to:







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